Friday, September 16, 2011

feathers of memory

Feathers of Memory

a log cabin
photo transfers of old family photos

This one hung in the living room for a long time.

Below, Grandma Rhea's Featherweight faithfully serving 2 generations. When she first gave it to me, it had a Red Cross sticker from the WW II sewing circle. It is a 1938 model. Other Featherweights may come and go, this one stays with me.


  1. when I received the featherweight, it had a little tag from the red cross sewing circle from W.W.ll. I have used it for many years and it still sews beautifully. grandma bought it in 1938. I have had a collection of featherweights over the years but this one stays.

  2. the feathers of memory
    brush me
    in passing through
    we leave traces of our paths
    on others hearts
    this one is gone
    this one is sick
    this one is sad
    gone before
    but not forgotten
    we, connected, walking the woodsy path
    to somewhere

