The Woodblocks quilt, 65x89"
One day in Felton my mom Frances Hale decided to make copies of some of the family collection of woodblocks prints.
My grandparents Mac Hale and Rhea Hale collected the woodblocks prints in japan in 1922-1938 and brought them back on the ship with them. Since that time many have been distributed through the Hale family. I decided to make a quilt to honor my grandparents and their art collection and the beauty of japanese art. After some years my daughter Alina was able to talk me into giving it to her... I remember working on it for a couple years, searching for just the right fabrics. It also includes a painting I liked and another painting, the poppy, by my friend Nadia Berrigan. Also here is a little wall quilt I made of a photo of my Grandma Rhea taken when she climbed Mt Fuji. She saved a rock from the top of Fuji in her jewelry box and I inherited it. I too collect rocks and sand from places important to me...
I turned the photos rightside up but darned if iphoto didnt turn them sideways again...