I got the quilt back from Lydia and took some new shots. This one will be on display at the Kaiser show this winter probably. Made to celebrate Hope Hale Davis' 100th birthday.sShe lived another year and was still teaching right up until the end. They dont make them like that anymore. She was truly a salty New England lady. Lydia has kindly loaned it back for me so I can share it. She retains the pink slip.
Shown 2012 in the Ala. County Arts Commission Show at the Oakland Courthouse , and the E.B.H.Q. show. I guess I will have to give it back soon. The little elf with the leaf hat is a photo transfer of a painting I did, me as a little girl photographed by my father and then painted by me, grown up.
the little girl is me with my leaf hat, a dryad moment.